
Monday, November 21, 2011

#DelMonte Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Peach Egg Rolls

I love finding new products at the grocery store. If it sounds good and I have never tried it, most likely it will be finding it's way home with me. As soon as I heard that Del Monte was releasing Diced Peaches with Cinnamon & Brown Sugar, I knew I had to try them.

The hubby and I loaded up the kids in the car and headed to Walmart in search of these new peaches. And maybe to check out some Christmas goods as well...

Cinnamon & Brown Sugar Peach Egg Rolls
6 egg roll wraps
½ cup cream cheese frosting (I used store bought)
Del Monte Diced Peaches with Cinnamon and Brown Sugar
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
Oil for frying

1. On wax paper, put 3” strips of cream cheese frosting. Freeze until solid, about 45 minutes
2. In the center of each egg roll wrap place one strip of frosting and 2 tablespoons of diced peaches. Fold according to package
3. Freeze for 30 minutes (I did not do this step for my first batch and the frosting oozed everywhere when put in the fryer)
4. Heat oil to 350
5. Fry each egg roll for 3-4 minutes, or until golden brown.
6. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and enjoy!

I expected the peaches to be good, especially since I already like cinnamon and brown sugar - but they surpassed my expectations. The peaches are FULL of wonderful flavor and worked great for this recipe. I am already planning to make a bread pudding with them too - they are that good!

Check out our shopping trip with Google+!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias #delmonte


Kathy Murphy said...

Those are so creative! They look delicious.

Unknown said...

Gosh, you're creative (oops, someone already said that)--but it's true. I wouldn't have thought of this type of dessert in a hundred years! You fold those eggrolls so expertly too. If you make a dessert like this again, can you please show all-thumbs cooks like me how to fold eggrolls?

Thanks again for sharing. Love visiting (and thanks for joining my site)!!


Unknown said...

What an awesome idea! This sounds so yummy, and you make it look so easy. Thanks for the recipe!

MommaD said...

These look incredible and easy to do. I am going to have to try these, as we already love the Del Monte Peaches with Cinnamon and Brown Sugar

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