
Friday, December 16, 2011

Caramel Eggnog Milkshakes & Kmart Holiday Shop

Because the cold weather outside is not cold enough for me. :)

Caramel Eggnog Milkshakes

4 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup egg nog
¼ cup caramel syrup

1. Mix all ingredients in blender until well combined
2. Top with cool whip and pecans
3. Enjoy!

Decorating for Christmas is a huge thing at our house. By the time Halloween is done I am just itchin’ to get those Christmas bins down and start the decorating. We love decorating for Christmas so much that it is what we do every year for our Anniversary; we buy each other Christmas decorations and decorate. Our Anniversary is at the end of November, so it is the perfect time to put up the holiday cheer! May sound crazy to some, but it is perfect for us. This year was no exception, all of our lights and decorations were put up by the 1st of December – in and outdoors. I was just telling my husband last night that I could leave up the Christmas decorations all year long but I probably shouldn’t… probably. Haha

Our Christmas Tree this year

I was recently given the opportunity to check out the Holiday decorations that Kmart has to offer, I was totally game! I had not yet been to Kmart since the holiday season started so I was excited to see what was new for the holidays. Check out our trip to Kmart here on Google+.There was so much Chrsitmas decor to choose from. From ornaments to wreaths to snowglobes to dancing Santas.There was so much to pick from it was hard choosing...

And more...

 Even more!

So what did we decide on?

Our first Christmas village! Check out next week to see how we decorate with it!!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias

1 comment:

Jen @ BigBinder said...

OMG YUM!!! I can't wait to see what your house looks like!

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