
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Leek Bruschetta

Ever since I started hearing about people get produce boxes delivered to their homes I was jealous. I looked in my area and could not find anything of the sort, so I was buying my produce at the grocery store and occasionally the farmer’s market. Then one day there was a knock on my door. It was a young lady from FarmFreshToYou soliciting their Organic Produce Boxes. Yes! I was sold from the moment she told me what she was selling. It was the week before Christmas so I decided to not start receiving the produce boxes until the week after the holidays – oh, the wait!! I started off with a Mostly Fruit box and then gave the Valley Box a try my next go around, I have been completely satisfied thus far. I love getting fresh produce delivered to my front door, especially since I am being “forced” to try things I have never cooked with before. Very exciting!

Last week I received Leeks in the Valley Box. To be honest, I had never cooked with Leeks and I was pretty sure I had never tasted them before either. I was not quite sure what to do with these Leeks so I checked online how to cook them and then decided to make a bruschetta. First I sautéed the Leeks, let them cool. Combined them with sliced cherry tomatoes, blue cheese and bacon. Serving this bruschetta over crostini made a wonderful appetizer to a steak dinner. Enjoy!

Leek Bruschetta
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups leeks, halved and chopped
2 cups cherry tomatoes, sliced
¾ cup blue cheese crumbles
¾ cup bacon, cooked and crumbled

1. Over medium-high heat add 2 tablespoons olive oil
2. Sautee leeks until starting to turn golden brown, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool
3. Once leeks are cool, combine remaining ingredients and combine well
4. Let cool and serve over crostini
5. Enjoy!


Kiri W. said...

Looks like some wonderful produce, and like the perfect application :) Nothing beats crusty, crispy bread!

Maggie said...

I want a produce box! I don't think we have anything like that in our little town...just CSA in the summer (which is awesome). This is a creative bruschetta recipe and a great use of your leeks! Yum! Great to "meet" you!

Cucina49 said...

Once you've started cooking with leeks, you won't be able to stop. They're delicious anywhere you might use onions. Your bruschetta look just wonderful!

Kelsey said...

This looks delicious! And I'm inspired to check into the produce boxes in my area too!

HitomiNeko said...

wow looks really yummy! thx for the recipe !

xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo

I”m hosting a giveaway ! xoxo

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