
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Peanut Butter Dip

Neither one of my kids are big veggie eaters but they can both devour a plate of fruit. They feed on fruit like they are starved creatures on a desolate land who have just discovered means of survival. No joke.

He could probably take podium at a Strawberry Eating Contest. haha

I found this recipe in my son's cookbook. Yes, at the tender age of 3 he has already started his cookbook collection. Or maybe I should say that I have started it for him... but hey, boys have to know how to cook too! I started his collection off with Better Homes and Gardens New Junior Cookbook, it has awesome kid-friendly recipes and fun cartoon images to keep him interested in the book while we go through it together.

Peanut Butter Dip
adapted from Better Homes and Gardens New Junior Cookbook
8 oz cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup peanut butter, smooth or chunky or crunchy
2 tablespoons of your favorite jam
3 tablespoons of milk

1. Mix all ingredients together with electric mixer until well combined
2. Chill before serving (optional)
3. Enjoy! (not optional) ;)

Don't forget to use plasticware on your muffin pans, scratches are the worst!

I am proud to say that using a muffin pan as the serving tray for our peanut butter dip and fruit was an idea I had all on my own! Not too often do these strokes of ingenuity hit me, I just know I need to act upon them when they do. :)

So freakin' delicious!!


claire @ the realistic nutritionist said...

How delicious with strawberries!!!

Peggy said...

This dip sounds so good! I'm sure it would please adults, just as much as it would the youngsters =)

Erin @ The Spiffy Cookie said...

The presentation of this is too cute.

RavieNomNoms said...

Such a cute idea! Great idea, I would love to snack on this!

Anonymous said...

Love how healthy this is while still incorporating so many delicious ingredients :)

Choc Chip Uru

Kiri W. said...

What a cute way of serving these! Great for enticing healthy snacking.

Walter P Hopkins said...

My daughter is so talented!

kankana said...

MY Mom says that as a kid my brother use to survive only on fuits :)
Love the presentation and the dip sounds yum!

Jen at The Three Little Piglets said...

Forget my kids, I'd love to eat that! And that's such a great serving idea!

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