
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Champions for Kids - Energizer Light Up a Life #EnergizerCFK

This post is not about an awesome new recipe or product I have discovered, it is about something much more important.

When I started researching the statistics of homeless people in the Sacramento area I was very saddened to see that there are about 2300 homeless people on any given day, this number includes children – and about 30 of them are children without an adult. My husband and I were at a loss at how 30 children could possibly be all by themselves in our area – so I did more researching. The facts are sad, if a child becomes homeless before the age of 15 it is most likely due to them trying to escape sexual or violent abuse. They run away from home because they deem it to be safer on the streets than at home. This is truly heart-breaking. Most children that runaway will do so at the age of 13, but some have been as young as 6 years old. These are not kids being bratty because their parents won’t buy them an iPod, these are kids that are trying to escape a bad situation and survive on their own without any help. But they need help – they are just kids. This is where Champions for Kids comes in…
“Champions for Kids works to mobilize MILLIONS of people by providing training and resources to improve the lives of children in communities across America and beyond."

I took the quote above from the Champions for Kids website. You may be wondering who these “MILLIONS” of people are – well let me tell you my friend, it’s people like me and you. We can all help – and Champions for Kids keeps coming up with creative, effective ways we can help the less fortunate children in our area. For their most recent Simple Service Project, CFK has teamed up with Energizer and created the Light Up a Life campaign. It’s real simple, hence the name Simple Service Project. ;) The project is to assemble Safety Kits with items that children would need out in the elements this winter and then give the kit(s) to a shelter, school or other community organization that helps children in your area. I told you it was easy – and it’s effective, this is why I love their campaigns!!

Hungry Harps has decided to put together 4 (one for each of us) safety kits for the Light Up a Life project and give them to St. John’s Shelter Program for Women & Children. St. John's assists families in transitioning from crisis to self-sustainability. They are not just shelter for an overnight stay – they help teach the skills necessary to obtain employment and give ongoing support towards living independently (without government assistance) as self-sufficient and productive citizens. I love everything about this – they are really helping these women and children get on their feet and setting them up for success.

We will be putting together our kits this weekend and delivering them to St. John’s. I am so excited about our 3 year old being able to help, he was my little helper with the Disney Stocking Stuffer project back in December too. :) Here is what we have on the list for the kids safety kits:

Flashlights – with batteries
Bottled Water
100% Fruit Juice Boxes
Granola Bars, Fruit Snacks, PB&J Crackers
Toiletry Kit
First Aid Kit
Notepad & Pens
Playing Cards (I ♥ cards)
A bag to put it all in

I can’t wait to put the kits together. My parents will be coming over as well to help add to the goodies. It feels so good to give to those in need – I hope I inspired at least one of you to help out any way you can. Thanks for reading!!

If you want to learn more about Champions for Kids and/or their Simple Service Projects, here is the info to find them on the internet:

If you want to learn more about Energizer, here is their info:

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias


Rachel {} said...

Playing cards is s great idea! Those kids will love them!!!

Unknown said...

What a great organization to support and how wonderful that you are making 4 kits to donate! I'm sure you son will love being involved!

Unknown said...

What a great way to give back-and it's so awesome that you picked a crisis shelter to support.

Unknown said...

This organization sounds amazing and I love that you are including your whole family in this giving mission!

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