
Monday, February 13, 2012

Cookie Decorating Coffee Klatch #IcedCoffee

This past weekend we had company over for some conversation, cookie decorating and most importantly – coffee!! It was our very first coffee klatch and it was a blast. We were able to catch up with our friends & family, decorate Valentine’s Day themed cookies and try International Delight’s new Iced Coffee.

I just love International Delight’s coffee creamers, my current favorite is their Limited Edition Cinnabon flavor - a must try! When I heard that ID was coming out with an iced coffee that could be served at home – I knew I had to try it and decided to share the excitement with some guests. :)

International Delight uses Arabica coffee which has a rich, smooth flavor on its own – it works perfectly with this Iced Coffee.

The verdict? Everyone liked it! It is a great alternative to going to a coffee shop for iced coffee – plus, the price can’t be beat at $4 a half gallon. I have not found any coffee shops with prices like that! We tried all three flavors – Mocha, Vanilla and Original. Mocha was everyone’s favorite and Vanilla came in 2nd. Flavored syrups can be added for customized flavors – Hazelnut Mocha, Caramel Vanilla and the list could just keep going. :)

For some morning snacks we had doughnut holes and fresh berries served with chocolate and caramel syrups. It was a perfect pairing with the iced coffees!

After tasting the coffee we all sat down together to decorate cookies. It was a great way to spend time together, not to mention that it is extremely fun to decorate cookies!!

Everyone got their own cookie bundle and then there was cookie frosting, sprinkles and gel to decorate.

A few of our creations!

Even little man got some help in decorating his cookie. Such a big boy!

We had a wonderful morning and can't wait to do it again! If you want to find out more about International Delight's new Iced Coffee, check them out on Facebook and/or Twitter. I can't wait for our next coffee klatch - perhaps a St. Patrick's Day Cookie Decorating Coffee Klatch in March!

Check out our adventure of purchasing International Delight's Iced Coffee here on Google+!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias


Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Such cute cookies! Cookie decorating as a group is always fun! Happy Valentines Day!

Amy said...

What a fantastic theme for a party!

Jen at The Three Little Piglets said...

Someone was just showing off with that cupcake cookie! Sounds like a great party!

Kiri W. said...

Aww, looks like a great party! :) Very nice.

Jess said...

That was my hubby showing off with that cupcake cookie - I was floored to be honest. haha

We had a great time. :)

Jess said...

Thank you, it was a lot of fun. :)

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

love every minute partying with you!!! you rocked this TYVM

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