Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Winter Care-Kits for St. John's #EnergizerCFK

Last week I posted about the Champions for Kids project of the month, Light Up a Life. CFK teamed up with Energizer and came up with this awesome idea of putting together winter care-kits for an organization that serves children in your community. As soon as I heard about this campaign I was LOVING it!!

We decided to put together 4 care-kits and donate them to St. John's Shelter Program for Women & Children. They are a great organization in Sacramento that exclusively helps homeless women with children. St. John’s helps women become self-sustaining, productive members of society. I immediately knew that this was where I wanted to donate the care-kits we were going to be putting together.

I rounded up the crew (The Hungry Harps) and headed to our favorite store...

For the winter care-kits we were putting together we looked for items such as:

Flashlights – with batteries
Toiletry Kit
First Aid Kit
Bottled Water
100% Fruit Juice Boxes
Snacks (Such as granola bars, fruit snacks, etc.)
Notepad & Pens
Something fun (a deck of cards maybe?)
A bag to put it all in

Check out what we found here on Google+.

We had so much fun shopping for items to put in the care-kits. How could I not with these guys??

I was very lucky to have Bubba help me put the kits together. He just turned 3 in December, so he is still a youngin' - but that does not mean he does not want to help!! He decided (with a little help) which items would go in which bag. He did a great job. :)

These are the Energizer flashlights we decided to buy for the care-kits. Aren't they stinkin' cute! I think the kids will like them. :)

Bubba was so proud of the finished bags. We had company over and he kept showing them the bags. I had told him they were going to kids who needed these items and he couldn't wait to deliver them!

Unfortunately he fell asleep on the way St. John's Donation Center. :( I was totally looking forward to seeing him hand the bags over (Not to mention the incredibly cute picture it would have been), but let me tell you - I don't disturb the beast when he is sleeping. (He gets it honestly...) So, I handed the bags to a very nice lady who thought they were AWESOME - which made me smile. We headed home, kids sleeping in the back - feeling incredibly good to be able to help people who are less fortunate than us. I can't wait for next month's Simple Service Project!!

Check out Champions for Kids and/or their Simple Service Projects!

And we can't forget about Energizer!!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias