
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quick Dinner with Bacon Breakfast Bread Bowls

A couple weeks ago I shared Tyson's new Bacon Breakfast Bread Bowls, we tried them and thought they were awesome - and the rest have been sitting in the freezer since then. Until tonight... 

Our sons spent the night with their Aunt and came back exhausted (they had a BLAST!), they both fell asleep and were out for 4 hours! When the two of them woke up, they were ready to eat. I don't mean ready to eat as in they were willing to be patient while I figured out what to cook for dinner and then prepare it, no. Ready to eat as in they NEED food now and apparently their survival was depending on it. So I needed something fast - real fast. 

Lucky for me, I had the Bacon Breakfast Bread Bowls, fresh fruit and milk to feed the beasts.

I put the Bacon Breakfast Bread Bowls in the microwave and started cutting the fruit - in roughly five minutes (of screaming and tears from the "starving" kiddos) we had dinner on the table!

It was silent. The boys were devouring their food. I love having silence at dinner time, it let's me know everyone is happy eating. :)

I had to cut Little Brother's bread bowl up or he would have tried to shove the whole thing in his mouth. Such a BIG eater!

Bubba could win Strawberry Eating Contests, I am sure of it. :) He ate 2 bread bowls, such a big boy! 

Yes, he is in his Halloween costume - in essence I fed Bumblebee from Transformers breakfast for dinner. Now that is rockin'!

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Jen@BigBinder said...

Love the Halloween costume!! I am always willing to spend the cash on them too, because my kids wear them as dress up all year!

Unknown said...

How cute! My niece Aly wears dress up I seriously stock up for the year on Halloween clearance just so she has a variety. :)
And man, I MUST find the bacon. Love the sausage...but...bacon...must have!

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