
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hummus with a Kick & Brutal Honesty {2}

Eating healthy is a funny thing. We all should eat healthy, for our own body's sake, yet a lot of us don't. I have just recently started to be more aware of what I am eating and it was has been quite of an awakening. Did I eat unhealthy before? Unfortunately, yes. I didn't have a second thought when it came to eating an entire hamburger with EVERYTHING on it, when eating boxed foods or even getting my sons a Happy Meal because it was the "easy" thing to do that night. While I still have a lot to learn, those are certainly 3 things I no longer do - I care about the calories I consume, I am a label reader when it comes to boxed foods - most of which I won't touch anymore, and there is no way in hell I am stopping at Mickey D's to get my kids a Happy Meal, for any reason.

The changes I have made in the past month, in regards to food, are the following:

Eat breakfast every morning - this was something I considered an option, but it can't be. My new favorite is a bowl of Grape Nut Flakes, Almond Milk and a piece of fruit. (This would have sounded plain and unappetizing to me before, but now it is perfect! I love how healthy it is for me and how it doesn't leave a heavy feeling in my tummy.)
More veggies - I spend more time in the produce section of the store now, stocking up and then deciding on dinners based on the produce that I find. I try not to rush myself and really look at everything there is offered. This past week I was able to get zucchini for .78 a pound!! Talk about eating cheap and healthy - not to mention delicious, especially when grilled. :)
No drinking - alcohol that is. We haven't even had the occasional beer. Until I get my weight down and my health up - I am staying away from alcohol. So have a drink for me. ;)
Having vegetarian days - I am just cutting meat out of our diet a couple times a week. It's not a big deal at all because there are so many wonderful vegetarian recipes and products out there. One of my new favorite things is when my husband, while enjoying dinner, will ask if what we are eating is vegetarian. He digs in either way and is not swayed by the "meat-factor" of a meal. Lucky me. :) But don't get me wrong, he will demolish a medium-rare porterhouse steak like no other...
Portion control - I have started Weight Watchers and it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with portion control. Before, my portion control went like this, "That looks good - make sure to get a lot of that". Yep, that was about it. Now, I am very conscience about how much I eat. This may sound nerdy or crazy or whatever, but if I can't actually measure out a portion I will consider how big my stomach is and how much I really want to put in there.

So, have I lost any weight since my weight loss journey began? Why yes I have, but only 7 pounds. I say ONLY because I have been at it since May 10th and was hoping for a bigger number than 7 - but 7 is still enough to make me smile. :) Although I said exercise was going to start happening, it hasn't. It is completely my fault as I haven't made the time for it - and trust me, I have plenty of time for a 30-minute workout everyday. So, the things I am going to work on for the next month;

1. Exercise 30 minutes a day - even if it's a stroll around the neighborhood.
2. Start creating Weight Watcher recipes - with point totals. It will be fun to take favorite, but unhealthy, dishes and recreate them into healthy replacements.
3. Eat more grains - Right now all I am getting is white rice and whole wheat noodles, I want to expand a bit on that...
4. More water - I have become a wateraholic - but I don't think it's enough. I found this water calculator and it states I should be drinking about 3 liters a day - which some days I do, but others I don't. So I am hoping to meet my water goal as well.

And with all that said, here is the recipe for that Hummus with a Kick. I created it on a whim and it turned out delicious. Enjoy!

Hummus with a Kick
1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon Sriracha (Rooster Sauce)
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, loosely packed
1/2 teaspoon ginger, grated
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons olive oil

1. Place all ingredients in food processor and process until smooth.
2. Let chill for at least an hour before serving.

I ended up using this hummus to make us sandwiches. First I spread hummus on the bottom bun, sprinkled with cheese and broiled until cheese was melted. Then I added sliced onions, tomatoes, pickles and jalapenos. So very simple and the results are uh-mazing. :)


Leslee said...

You are off to a very good start Jess!! and you are headed in the right direction... Seeing the areas that you need to 'fix' is HUGE!

All the best to you and I'll be here to cheerlead :-) I appreciate your 'brutal honesty'!!

Simply Being Mommy said...

I absolutely love red, yellow and orange bell peppers with hummus. I've been trying to eat healthier as well, not only just for me, but for my family as well.

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