
Friday, June 22, 2012

Pecan-Peach Coffee Smoothie #IcedDelight

I think I may have mentioned before how much we love coffee in our house. It is not unusual for us to go through 2 pots of coffee a day - and if we plan on staying up late, a 3rd may be brewed. How do we not go into caffeine-overload? I have no idea.

The thought crossed my mind the other day about fruit-flavored coffee. Although I have seen fruit-flavored ground coffee, I have not seen any fruit-flavored creamers. Perhaps this is because it would be gross? I don't know, it sounds good to me. You see, I am a self-proclaimed "Coffee Creamer Queen" - I try all the flavors and get completely, ridiculously excited when a new one comes out. The only flavor that my taste buds have scoffed at is Amaretto, everything else is good in my book.

Ok, so back to the fruit-flavored coffee... since the store didn't have a fruit-flavored creamer, I decided to make my own fruity coffee drink. Instead of fresh-brewed coffee, I opted for International Delight's Iced Coffee in Vanilla flavor - I could still get the caffeine that I LOVE so much, without the strong flavor of coffee. I was already thinking of using fresh peaches in my drink creation - but when I saw International Delight's Southern Butter Pecan creamer, I knew it was a match made in coffee heaven! So, I grabbed the Iced Coffee and the Creamer along with some fresh peaches, pecan chips and ice cream and sped went home to make my creation. (Evil genius laugh)

This drink is so easy to make and such an awesome way to start a warm summer day. We sat on our back patio, listened to the birds chirp, saw the sun come up, felt the early coolness of the day - all while enjoying a Pecan-Peach Coffee Smoothie. Everything together made the moment scream, "Summer is here!!". Do you remember those carefree days of summer as a kid? It took me back to those days - what a fun feeling!

Since I can't keep anything a secret, let me share with you how to make this fruity concoction!

First, 2 cups of ice cream. I chose vanilla to keep it simple.

 Next, 2 cups of peaches. I am pretty sure that the two cups of peaches will cancel out any fat that is in the ice cream. Right? ;)

Then, add 3/4 cup International Delight Iced Coffee Vanilla flavor and 1/4 cup International Delight Southern Butter Pecan coffee creamer. 

Blend all ingredients until fully mixed. 

It was like having a dessert drink before sunrise, which may not be healthy - but it certainly ranked high on the delicious scale. It made my husband and I feel like two little kids ready for their summer day. Sometimes you have step out the box, or else you won't know what you are missing. But, ice cream in the morning?? The Coffee Creamer Queen says it's ok, as long as coffee creamer is involved. ;)

International Delight has a variety of fun flavors to inspire your inner culinary-genius, make sure to check them out online:

Also, between June 21st and July 4th, International Delight will be giving away 1,000 free cartons of their Iced Coffee everyday! Very cool, and if you win, I just ask that you have me over for a cup of coffee. ;) Check out their Sweepstakes Page on Facebook for more details. Good luck!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and International Delight #IcedDelight #CBias #SocialFabric


Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

WOW this looks amazing!! TYVM

veep veep said...

Wow. I love peaches and cannot turn down pecan pie. Best of both worlds in a smoothie!

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