
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photography Class with Sears Grilling #SoFabU #GrillingIsHappiness

 Ever since I was a little girl, snapping pictures with my 110 camera, I have had a love for photography. I am pretty sure I pretended to be a professional photographer and there are the hundreds of prints to prove it. There was no limit to what I took pictures of - from the ENTIRE parade at Disneyland to EVERY animal I saw at the zoo. I was a kid and the concept of quality over quantity had not settled in yet - so I thought I was at the top of my photography game. :) 

Fast forward 23 years - a couple 110, a few 35mm, one Kodak Advantix (remember those?) and two point-and-shoot digital cameras later - I have the camera of my DREAMS - my Dad gave me a Canon Rebel T3 for my 30th birthday, talk about the best-present-ever! Only problem is that I don't really know how to use it - so I stalked a forum, waited for a application to be posted and then stumbled over my keyboard to be one of the first 20 selected signed up for a photography class to help me out a bit. 

I am so excited for this class! It is not just another photography class - it is a 6 week online course taught by Social Fabric University and sponsored by Sears Grilling that will not only teach the basics of photography but also a couple specialized subjects such as product and meal photography. This class is right up my alley and if it was a classroom setting, my butt would be sitting right up front to ensure I didn't miss a thing. :)

Over the next 6 weeks I am certainly looking forward to seeing an improvement in the photos I take. Although I don't think my pictures are too horrid - I know they could be better with the use of a little knowledge. The things I am the most excited to learn are:
  • How to use my camera without auto-mode
  • How to properly use lighting when taking a photo
  • How to use props in a photo to make it more appealing
During the course, of this awesomesauce class, I will be sharing my progress and I hope you will follow along. I am one of 20 lucky bloggers that were sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for that application to pop up selected for this class and can't wait to see everyone's progression. :)

Thank you Social Fabric University and Sears Grilling!!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sears #CBias #GrillingIsHappiness. All photos and opinions are my own.


Unknown said...

No, I didn't stalk the application...not at all. I have no idea what you're talking about. ;)

Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles said...

Glad to be in the class with you! Can't wait to see all the progress we make!

joanmessenger said...

I would love to do this class! Lucky u! I take horrible pics!


Oh yeah, and the stalking was totally worth it!

Rosie Discovers said...

I totally stalked the class with you. :) So excited to see all the improvements in everyone's photos.

Stephen and Amanda O'Dair blog said...

LOL I was right with you stalking the class and now we are here!!!!

Leslee said...

Will be looking forward to seeing/hearing about your progress!!

Tiffany said...

We should be friends, you used the word "awesomesauce." :) Can I also admit that I was shamelessly refreshing the page waiting for that app? :)

I'm loving the class already; it's been awesome!

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