
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Photography Class with Sears Grilling {Pt. 2} #SoFabU #GrillingIsHappiness

Although I haven't been in the kitchen much lately (reasons to be disclosed soon), I have still been enrolled and participating in the photo class at Social Fabric University. This weeks lesson was about successfully executing a photo Path to Purchase. Path to Purchase, in a nutshell, is how one decides which products to purchase while shopping. One of the most effective ways to document this is through photos, so I grabbed my camera and headed to Sears!

There are a few key photographs that are needed to complete a Path to Purchase; the exterior of the store, special signage, variety of brands, product placement and my favorite - the final purchase. By knowing how consumers view all of the above, companies are able to make shopping easier for the customer, create packaging that grabs attention, see who their biggest competitors are and make decisions on how to market their product(s).

A few questions to think about while documenting a Path to Purchase could be; 

What do you first notice upon entering the specific department purchases are being made from?

Are you happy with the selection being offered?

Which signage grabs your attention?

Are there any sales or special deals being offered?

The other key factors we learned this week were about making sure there is no clutter in the background of photos, when to zoom, which lighting to use, incorporating signs and brands and last, but not least, how to have a little fun with different angles. 

This was such a fun lesson to learn and to take pictures for - even if people looked at me a little crazy at the store! I am really looking forward to next week's lesson, can't wait to share if with you. :)

Thank you Social Fabric University and Sears Grilling!! #SoFabU #GrillingIsHappiness

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sears #CBias #GrillingIsHappiness. All photos and opinions are my own.


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Great photos! Such a fun class ... I can't wait for the next assignment.

Trish - Mom On Timeout said...

You did such an awesome job! Looking forward to our next assignment :)

Lena B said...

I loe "Don't forget the grill cover" sign. I am not sure if I saw that at my store. Awesome catch o that picture - red looks insanely awesome


GREAT pictures!!! The red grill pic could be in a fancy magazine!

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