This week in our Sears Grilling Photography class the assignment was to host a little BBQ for our family and take some delicious photos. We kept it simple and served food that the kiddos would definitely enjoy - hot dogs, potato chips and a smores dessert. I did set up a condiment bar for the adults that included jalapenos, pickles, relish, sauerkraut and chili. The kids are happy enough with plain hot dogs - not even ketchup or mustard...
This is by far the prettiest picture of potato chips I have ever taken. ;)
While I was able to keep lighting in mind - there was nothing I could do for these Turkey Franks. This is how they looked directly off the grill - shriveled and old. It was a lesson all on it's own in food photography; buy beef franks.
I have been just dying to use this dish and finally got the perfect opportunity!! Those are coconut marshmallows - they are just as good as they sound. :)
We just put some of the 'mallows on skewers and cooked them on very low heat, making sure to turn them every 30 seconds. The coconut helped in avoiding them from sticking to the cooking grate.
This picture makes me drool all over my keyboard. ;)
How could I not share this picture??
I had a lot of fun with this assignment and found that taking pictures of food has become a little bit easier for me. We only have one more week of class left, I can't believe how fast time goes by! My grill cover is ready for the class to be over, just so that it can get some extended use. ;) Thank you so much for reading this week!
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This
shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for
Collective Bias™ and Sears #CBias #GrillingIsHappiness. All photos and opinions are my own.