
Monday, August 20, 2012

Photography Class with Sears Grilling {Pt. 7} #SoFabU #GrillingIsHappiness

This is the final week in our Sears Grilling Photography class, I can't believe how fast 7 weeks went by!! For my final post on the subject, I want to share some of my favorite photographs from the class. :)

It all started with a lesson in how to take awesomesauce Path to Purchase photos. Tips on signage, selection and angles really helped me through this one!

Then a lesson in Product Photography sweetened the deal - especially with Sears providing us with a new grill and accessories!! I learned a lot from this lesson, as Product Photography was not something I had much practice in. And how fun is taking pictures of such a great new purchase?!?

Third was the lesson in taking photographs of food on the grill. Learning new things, such as the rule-of-thirds, shutter speed, aperture ISO and DOF, was a bit of a challenge yet very rewarding.

The next subject was food photography. Now, I thought I knew a thing or two about this topic - but I didn't. This was probably the toughest week, but it was by far my favorite. Not only did we learn which lighting works best with food, we also learned about food styling and some awesome secrets of the food photography world! With still A LOT of room for improvement - I will continuously be referring back to this lesson.

And last, but not least, was putting all of our new skills to the test...

I am so excited to start taking pictures using ALL of the great information we were provided with. Ever since Hungry Harps started, I have been wanting my pictures to look more professional - and I truly think this class has helped me get closer to achieving that goal. I am so grateful to have been a part of the Sears Grilling Class, it has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sears #CBias #GrillingIsHappiness. All photos and opinions are my own.


Mallery said...

I don't think any of us really knew how to take food shots. :)

Unknown said...

I can't wait for the next sign up, third times the charm? Your photos look beautiful!

Lena B said...

Loving the variety of color and contrast - awesome photos

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