
Monday, February 25, 2013

We're Home!

We are back! It's been too long, I must confess. To be fair, I have not had much in the way of food to really share... 

Being pregnant with twins rendered me a bit too tired to try anything new in the kitchen and then after being placed on "Limited Activity Rest" I had to take a break altogether from anything that took longer than 15 minutes to cook. It was hard, but I loosened up the reins in the kitchen and graciously accepted my husband's help with meal-duty. Usually I would just prefer nobody to cook but myself - it's something I enjoy doing and feel like it's part of my job as a stay-at-home mom. However, not having a choice in the matter turned out being a nice break from the norm. Plus I was reminded of one of the reasons I fell in love with my husband - he knows his way around a kitchen. ;)

So, without any further ado...

Please welcome our beautiful twins!!

A boy and a girl! That makes our final scorecard with Boys-3 and Girls-1. :)

She weighed 7lbs 4oz and he weighed 7lbs 3 oz - delivery went as expected with a c-section and everybody was happy and healthy when it was all said and done. I made it to 38 weeks and couldn't imagine going a day longer than we did. The babies are so wonderful and absolutely beautiful - we couldn't be any happier! We now have 4 kiddos and let me tell you, I never knew my heart was capable of so much love. ♥

Stay tuned for some quick recipes that I have discovered since being home. It only took me a few days to be home and I was back in the kitchen - I seriously missed cooking.


Walter P Hopkins said...

Glad you're back...babies are beautiful!

Leslee said...

COngratulations to you and your expanded family Jess!!! Your Dad shared the news when the twins arrived... Enjoy and welcome back!!!

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