
Monday, June 3, 2013

JavaHook - Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: JavaHook provided Hungry Harps with complementary JavaHooks for this product review and giveaway. All opinions are 100% honest and my own.

One day I went grocery shopping and was delighted to see a coffee kiosk right by the front door. It's one of those machines that brews a fresh cup of coffee to order, nothing spectacular - but a dose of caffeine nonetheless. I have been faithful to that little coffee machine since that day. However, me and those cups of coffees have had our tiffs. You see, my grocery store doesn't have cup holders on/in the cart - so if you want this coffee that is offered by the front door, you will be carrying it the whole time you shop. Yes, I did this regularly. No, results were not good. I have spilled coffee (fail), ran my cart into shelves (fail) and not been able to get out of people's way because the cart was too heavy for one hand to turn and move (fail and borderline rude).

So you can imagine the excitement that overcame me when I first heard of the JavaHook. It was like somebody made a product just for me.

Check out this quick video to see what the JavaHook is all about!

Pretty cool, huh?

I have to be honest, I was a little afraid at first that the JavaHook was not going to be strong enough to hold my small coffee. I was walking very slowly through the store - but got more comfortable as I continued shopping. By the end of my shopping trip, I wasn't even thinking about the JavaHook anymore - I was too focused on shopping. The JavaHook held my coffee, without spilling it all the way out to my car - even over those bumpies they put on the ground near the front doors of stores.

My trusty, Fresh Green JavaHook has a permanent place in my purse now and will be used as faithfully as that coffee kiosk!

Besides Fresh Green, JavaHook also comes in Pink Flambe, Tangerine Tango, French Roast and Driftwood. I also want to point out that JavaHooks are made in the USA and have custom branding available.

Right now you can order 4 JavaHooks (it's never to early to think about the holidays!) from the JavaHook website and receive free shipping! I am a fool for free shipping - it's one of my biggest weaknesses. :)

Without any further ado - the giveaway!!

We have 3 JavaHooks up for grabs! I wish all the entrants good luck and can't wait to hear what the winners think about the JavaHook. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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