
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

Hungry Harps spent a morning at a local park, enjoying Seattle's Best coffee from a Rubi kiosk, as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias and their client. #Rubi2Go

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

Have you seen those coffee kiosks in your grocery store? They offer Seattle's Best fresh ground coffee that is brewed to order. Yes, brewed to order in that little kiosk using a French Press style brew chamber. Pretty awesome, huh? If you haven't seen them, the coffee kiosks look like this:

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

I have been hooked to these kiosks since one was put in my local grocery store. The price is awesome at $1 to $2 {depending on beverage}, it's convenient coffee {perched right inside grocery store doors} and there is a delicious variety of beverages to choose from {from hot chocolate to seasonal flavors!}

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

My husband just recently started his quarter break from school {he is a college instructor}, so there will be many mornings at our local park in the two weeks. The boys love going to the park with their Daddy and going crazy on the jungle gym. These Three Stooges are goofballs together and have a blast challenging each other at the playground.

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

This past weekend, we decided to pick up some doughnuts and coffee before heading to the park. Instead of spending an arm & leg at a coffee shop, we headed to our local Save Mart and stopped by the coffee kiosk inside. I had recently heard of an offer where you can text BEAN2CUP to 727272 to receive a free cup of coffee - bargain!! The promo code was text to me almost instantly and I had a cup of coffee in my hands in what seemed like just seconds.

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

My husband and I both ordered the Pumpkin Spice flavor and I can tell you that we will both be getting it again this Fall. True story: On the way home from the park we had to stop by Walmart to pick a couple things up and my husband mentioned getting another coffee because "it's only $2" {his words, not mine}. I love that we both share the addiction of Rubi coffee kiosks together now! hee-hee

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

It was possibly one of the best trips to the park, ever. Daddy took the boys to the playground and I sat at the picnic table waiting for the babies to wake up to take them for a walk. I enjoyed the sounds of the park; from the rustling of leafs to dogs barking to kids laughing, it was so peaceful! Sipping on my Seattle's Best Pumpkin Spice, I kicked my feet up and was able to relax. {Can't we do this everyday?!?} The babies woke up so we started our walk, with my coffee in the cup-holder of course! It was a beautiful day - can't wait to do it all again.

Convienent Coffee for a Trip to the Park #Rubi2Go

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