
Friday, October 11, 2013

Harnessing the Power of the Peanut

We all know the Planters mascot, Mr. Peanut, right? He is the dapper peanut equipped with a top hat, monocle, white gloves, spats, and a cane. He is emblazoned on Planter's packaging and always has a warm smile while tipping his hat to you. You know who I am talking about, I am pretty confident. After all, Mr. Peanut has been around since 1916 and is one of the best-known icons in advertising history. Well, Mr. Peanut has some messages to spread and has started making YouTube videos {gotta stay with the times!}. Here is one of my favorites:

You are smiling at that video, right? {If the voice sounds familiar, it's Bill Hader of SNL fame!} Mr. Peanut has come a long way since 1916, even developing a modern day vocabulary. Don't worry about the delicious Planters product changing, that's not happening and it's not the reason for this revamping of Mr. Peanut. The reason is a new "simple-to-use" program that can teach you how to harness the Power of the Peanut! Mr. Peanut is not trying to sell you anything here - except for a better EVERYTHING.

Not only can Mr. Peanut teach you how to "make it rain" peanut-style or how to get "wholesome up in here" - he is going to teach you how to take what's inside him and put it in you. He wants to give you the tools to successfully harness the Power of the Peanut - such as classic Mr. Peanut power poses and the science behind peanuts.

How cool has Mr. Peanut become over the years? Even my kids love him! I love his message about how healthy peanuts are {a gift from nature} and how important that nutrition is for you, not to mention the many tips on how to be successful. Mr. Peanut is appealing to adults and kids alike and I think that is wonderful. Go check out the videos and harness the Power of the Peanut!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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